Montreal Business FairMs. France Despatie
Adm.A, CRHA, SPHR Organizational and People Effectiveness Consultant

France has over 35 years of experience in organizational development and optimizing the contribution of human capital to the financial performance of businesses in various industries. Her experience has led her to contribute to acquisitions and integrations both as a representative of the acquirer and the acquired company, with private companies and private investment funds. As Senior Consultant at Mercer for Leadership, Organizational Performance, and M&A for Eastern Canada, she contributed to the profitability of transactions by evaluating leaders to ensure continuity of operations, integration, and execution of business strategy. In this role, France was a trainer in North America for the “People Practices- Talent Management (Assessment, Selection, On-Boarding, Retention, Severance)” module of a 2-day M&A training offered by Mercer in North America. Finally, France had the opportunity to open offices in South Africa, the United States, the Caribbean, and Canada.