On September 28 at 10:00, the opening ceremony of the first ever MIBIEXPO was held at the Montreal Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel. Montreal International Business Investment Exposition is a two-day exposition organized by KDR International Inc. and co-organized by CCSME.

Investment and business opportunities

The exciting opening ceremony

The host, Mrs. Si Chen welcomed everyone and introduced each speaker for the opening ceremony:

“Today is the first MIBIEXPO ever, it is a one-stop platform to reveal Montreal’s business opportunities to the world. Showing everyone what we have in Quebec and Canada to invest in. This edition of MIBIEXPO has five sectors, business investment, real estate, education, immigration, and tourism.”

Mrs. Jocelyn Kao, president of KDR International Inc. and Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc. was the first to give a speech at the opening ceremony. She thanked and showed her appreciation to all the guests that attend and support the first ever MIBIEXPO. Together, they witness that the dream of Mrs. Jocelyn Kao has come true.

Investment and business opportunities

(Mrs. Jocelyn Kao, president of KDR International Inc. and Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc. giving a welcoming speech)

Thinking about all the hard work she went through, the happiness of a dream coming true and seeing the room full of guests, loads of emotions crowded into Mrs. Jocelyn Kao’s heart. Her eyes were with tears, her voice was once sobbing and said, “I am only doing this for one reason. I am an immigrant in Canada. The province of Quebec had accepted and allowed me to live and have family here, in peace. I always had a dream, which is to let everyone in the world to know more about Quebec. I want everyone to know that even though we have a long winter in Montreal, it is still a very beautiful city. The four seasons are very distinct. Even though the official language is French in Quebec, we still have very good programs when it comes to immigration. French should not be an obstacle. I wish everyone can fall in love with Quebec. I wish everyone is willing to invest and have family here and promote the economic development of Quebec together.

Montreal Investment and business opportunities

(Mrs. Jocelyn Kao, the president of KDR International Inc. and Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc. giving a welcoming speech)

“Since I work in the real estate market, and I had the chance to do the marketing for real estate and business opportunities for Montreal, Quebec, I want to share this with the world. I want to connect the platform that I have already created in Asia. So, I think finally, back in our hometown, we deserved a nice international business platform like MIBIEXPO. We have five sectors, real estate, business opportunities, immigration program, education, and tourism.”

Mrs. Jocelyn Kao said.

Mrs. Jocelyn Kao also announced,

“This is the first time we have MIBIEXPO in Montreal, and right away, we have MIBIEXPO Taipei (October 19, 2018), Beijing (October 28, 2018) and Shanghai (November 3, 2018). We are hoping we will have MIBIEXPO in every other big city in the world. That is the goal we are trying to achieve. I appreciate and I am thankful for all the people and organizations who support us, especially CCSME, our co-organizer. Without Kelvin Mo, the president of CCSME, I don’t think we could have gone this far. I really appreciate his help.”

“Thank you very much. I think you are appreciating. The first step of this platform is here, come and join us! Together, we can make Montreal, a very beautiful international city again.”

Former Ambassador of Canada to China, Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques, President & Co-Founder, Canada-China Small and Medium Enterprises, Mr. Kelvin Mo, Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusiveness, The Honorable David Heurtel, Mayor of Ville St. Laurent, Mr. Alan DeSousa and the executive director of Desjardins Enterprises, Me Éric Prud’homme gave a welcoming speech at the opening ceremony. They appreciate what Mrs. Jocelyn Kao has done for Montreal. And they wished MIBIEXPO a big success.

For the ribbon cutting ceremony, we invited Mrs. Jocelyn Kao (president of KDR International Inc. and Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc.), Mr. Phillip Lee (CEO of Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc.), The Honorable David Heurtel (Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusiveness), Mr. Alan DeSousa (Mayor of Ville St. Laurent), Me Éric Prud’homme , the executive director of Desjardins Enterprises, Mr. Andre-Philippe Chenail (director of CCBC section Quebec), Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques (former ambassador of Canada to China), Mr. Kelvin Mo (President & Co-Founder, CCSME), Mrs. Xiong Dongmei (council of economic and commercial section, Consulate of China in Montreal), Mr. Su Zelong (vice council, economic and commercial section, Consulate of China in Montreal), Mr. Vincent Kou (vice president of Brivia Group), Mr. Aref Salem and Mr. Francisco Miele (city council of Ville Saint Laurent), and Notary Jacques Dorais and Mr. Peter Lee (president of Lanting Canada & Senior Advisor of CCSME) to be on the stage.

Investment and business opportunities

Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Panel 1

The topic of the first panel on September 28, 2018, is “The wealth of new investment and business opportunities in Quebec and Canada, as well as in China and the Asia Pacific region, in the context of today’s geopolitical uncertainties.”

Mr. Vincent Kou, vice president of Brivia Group, is the moderator of the panel. The panelists are Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusiveness, The Honorable David Heurtel, Mayor of Ville St. Laurent, Mr. Alan DeSousa, former Ambassador of Canada to China, Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques and Mrs. Jocelyn Kao, president of KDR International Inc. and Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc.

Chinese Investment and business opportunities in Montreal

Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques was the first to speak. He described as “like a nightmare” the political and economic situation:

“We have no other choice but to continue work on making Montreal international.  China is very powerful. Even though the businesses there still face challenges like us here, but the development of businesses, the economy and IT is growing very fast in China. We should consider in which way we can work together with China. We wish to sign the FTA with China as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is not that easy.”

Minister of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusiveness, The Honorable David Heurtel said:

“Now people see we have a lot of constructions going on, and the traffic is everywhere; this is just saying we are in the middle of development. The unemployment rate had been dropped to the lowest in the history of Montreal and Quebec. We need people to work. Quebec always welcomes immigrants to start their new lives here. As I always said, immigrants are the most important element in the development of Montreal. All the immigrants coming from different countries are connecting Montreal to their country of origin. This helps investment, IT, agriculture, education, and cultural development.”

The Honorable David Heurtel spoke about the two major business development programs for immigrants. The first one is focused on the immigrants who would like to start-up a business. The other one is focused on the small to medium businesses that exist already.

“I, myself is also an immigrant. Immigrants are the cornerstone of the establishment and development of the society of Montreal and Quebec.”

The mayor of Ville St. Laurent, Mr. Alan DeSousa, proudly indicated that Ville St. Laurent is focusing on having the new immigrants to start their new lives there. They helped the investors to manage difficulties. The facilities are perfect. Due to all these efforts, Ville St. Laurent has gathered quite a number of experts in different fields. The public security of Ville St. Laurent was admired by the mayor of London and Paris. They even asked Mr. Alan DeSousa how to achieve such a high level of public security.

Mrs. Jocelyn Kao said, as the president of a private company, her advantage is that she can meet the client face to face. She gets to understand the needs and wants of the clients easily. She noticed the biggest problem for the client is that they didn’t know Montreal well. Quebec and China are very common in terms of culture. For example, they all eager to pay for the bill when hanging out with friends, they all care a lot about education…etc. The system of education, medical, and social security are very strong in Quebec. And we need to promote these for people to know.

Investment and business opportunities

During the Q&A time of the panel, we have people asked: “how to succeed investing in China?” Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques had answered this question based on the system, law, culture, security…etc.

Another person asked, “How to attract Chinese people to invest and work in Quebec?” The Honorable David Heurtel, Minister of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusiveness said that the most important is to have a good investing environment and a good project.

Investment and business opportunities

We really appreciate the support and contribution from Mr. Andre-Philippe Chenail, the director of CCBC, Quebec Sector.

The mayor of Ville St. Laurent, Mr. Alan DeSousa said that international students are the source of quality immigrants. The culture and financial support are the very important element to keep them here in Montreal, Quebec. The most important is to provide them with job opportunities.

Mrs. Jocelyn Kao has concluded the first panel: This is a very successful panel with a large amount of information and high practicality. “We need investors for the development of Quebec. We have a lot of job opportunities. When the immigrants arrived, they will need to know which area to live suits them the best, which school should the kids go … etc. The purpose of MIBIEXPO is to solve their problems.”

Investment and business opportunities

Panel 2

The topic of panel 2: How to seize new opportunities and advance business goals in Quebec and Canada for Canadian and Chinese SME.

Investment and business opportunities

Mrs. Selina Lu, President of Jeune Chambre de commerce de Montréal, is the panel moderator.

The panelists for this panel are former mayor of Montreal, Mr. Denis Coderre, former Ambassador of Canada to China, Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques, entrepreneur, author and businesswoman, Mrs. Daniele Henkel, executive director of Desjardins Entreprises, Me Éric Prud’homme and the president of Edphy International, Mr. Francois Rioux.

Mrs. Daniele Henkel was the first to speak. She introduced herself as an immigrant from North Africa. Even though she speaks French, she still faced a lot of challenges at first when landed in Montreal. She believes that immigrants should be prepared themselves for the challenges before deciding to immigrate. “ Don’t be afraid! Jump! You just need to know where you are from, what you want to do and who you want to start a business with.”

The former mayor of Montreal, Mr. Denis Coderre recalled the past 35 years in his political life and the friendship he built with China. He said: Canada is the very first friend of China. He believed in diversification, he believed in respecting each other. He thinks all the relationships for Chinese people are long-lasting. He believes it will be a win-win situation if Canada develops trades and economic relation.

The executive director of Desjardins Entreprises, Me Éric Prud’homme proudly said,

“Desjardins is the first and biggest financial institution in Canada. We are always there for the clients, not just for financial service, but for different services.”

The president of Edphy International, Mr. Francois Rioux receives hundreds of students from China every year in Quebec to participate in the summer camps. He is planning to bring children from Quebec to China in the future.

Investment and business opportunities

Exhibitors of MIBIEXPO:

BMO – Jenny Mo

Boily Handfield CPA Inc

Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc

Enticy Condo

Greybrook Realty Partner


North Star Academy

Bergeron Dorais Notaires S. E. N. C.

Proment – MYX

Samcon – Drummond

Sanjia School

Tour Des Canadiens 3

Via Capitale


Mont Blanc



Tianjin Inspriration & Creativity Sci-Tech Development Inc.

Investment and business opportunities

Investment and business opportunities

Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Investment and business opportunities for chinese community

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

The exhibitor, Greybrook Realty Partner, and North Star Academy had a promotional presentation in the afternoon.

North Star Academy introduced the education system of Quebec and demonstrate the special program that they have in their school.

Gala Dinner

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

September 28, 2018, at 18:00, the first-ever MIBIEXPO held a gala dinner to celebrate the grand opening.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

The executive director of Desjardins Entreprises, Me Éric Prud’homme showed his appreciation especially to Mrs. Jocelyn Kao for building up this platform, which allows him to network with people from different sectors. He enjoyed every second of this event.

The MC of the gala dinner introduced the special guests of this event:

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Mrs. Jocelyn Kao Présidente, KDR International & Les Immeubles Diamant Diamant Inc. President, KDR International & Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc.

M. Phillip Lee Mari de Mme. Jocelyn Kao husband of Mrs. Jocelyn Kao

M. Alan DeSousa Maire de l’arrondissement de Saint-Laurent Mayor of the borough of Saint-Laurent

Mme. Marwah Rizqy Candidate du Parti libéral du Québec à Saint-Laurent Candidate of the Quebec liberal party for Saint-Laurent

Mr. André Pilon Président, Construction MAP Inc. President, Construction MAP Inc.

Mme. Pilon épouse de M. Pilon Wife of Mr. Pilon

M. Éric Prud’homme Directeur général de Desjardins Entreprises–Ouest de Montréal The executive director of Desjardins Business Center –West of Montreal

Mme. Karen Lorenz épouse de M. Prud’homme Wife of Mr. Prud’homme

Mme. Nicole Jemme épouse de M. Leclerc Wife of Mr. Leclerc

M. Dan-Rock Leclerc Directeur principal, Marchés Commercial et Industriel, Desjardins Entreprises–Ouest de Montréal Senior Manager, Commercial and Industrial Markets, Desjardins Business–West of Montreal

M. Francesco Miele Conseiller municipal de Saint-Laurent City council of the borough of Saint-Laurent

Mrs. Miele épouse de M. Francesco Miele Wife of Mr. Francesco Miele

M. Liang Si Représentant senior, Confédération des Organisations sino-canadiennes de Toronto Senior representative, Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations

Mme. Qi Zhang épouse de M. Liang Partner of Mr. Liang

Mrs. Susan Hu Directrice exécutive, Division économique, Bureau économique et culturel de Taipei au Canada Executive Director, Economic Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada

Mr. Arthur Chen Directeur adjoint principal, Division économique, Bureau économique et culturel de Taipei au Canada Senior Assistant Director, Economic Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada

M. Tristan Menard Vice-President executif, Nouveau Monde Graphite Vice-President executive, Nouveau Monde Graphite

M. Aref Salem Conseiller municipal de Saint-Laurent City council of the borough of Saint-Laurent

Mrs. Eliane Andlauer épouse de M. Denis Andlauer Wife of Mr. Denis Andlauer

M. Denis Andlauer Directeur des operations, CDPQ-INFRA Director of Operations, CDPQ- INFRA

Mme. Marie Lise Duquette épouse de Claude Chapdelaine, administrateur de Desjardins et conseiller senior de CCPME Wife of M. Claude Chapdelaine and senior advisor of CCSME

M. Peter Lee Président, Lanting Canada et Conseiller senior de CCPME President, Lanting Canada & Senior Counselor

M. Andrew Fang Vice-Président et Co-Fondateur de CCPME Vice-President and Co-Founder of CCSME

Mrs. Ly épouse de M. Ly Wife of Mr. Kheng Ly

Mr. Kheng Ly Président et PDG, Groupe Brivia President & CEO, Brivia Group

M. Guy Saint-Jacques Ancien ambassadeur du Canada en République Populaire de Chine (2012-2016), Président honoraire de CCPME Former ambassador of Canada to China (2012-2016) & Honorary president of CCSME

Honorable Denis Coderre Ancien maire de Montréal (2013-2017) Former mayor of Montreal (2013-2017)

M. Kelvin Mo Président et co-fondateur, CCPME President and co-founder, CCSME

Mme. Vicki Ying épouse de M. Mo Wife of Mr. Mo

M. Kyle Zhang Directeur Général, SDI et Groupe Swatow General Manager, SDI & Swatow Group

M. Michel Langlois Président, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Sud-Ouest de Montreal President of the Montreal South-West Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mme. My Phuong Pham Directrice Générale, Long Phung Canada General Director, Long Phung Canada

Mrs. Jocelyn Kao, Mr. Kelvin Mo, Mr. Alan DeSousa and Mr. Denis Coderre gave a welcome speech for the gala dinner and cheers with the guests.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Everyone in the gala enjoyed every moment of the event and the networking opportunities. As the honorable stated earlier, by seeing who the guests are, we know MIBIEXPO is a success.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Panel 3

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Around 10:00 September the 29th, Kelvin Mo, the president of CCSME announced the opening of the third panel. The title of the panel was about “how to start a business in Quebec”. This panel discussed how to register and open a business, file your taxes, applying for a loan, hiring etc. The guest speakers were all professionals in their field. They are; Senior accountant, Mr. Yvon Gélinas; Partner of CCSME, Mr. Andrew Fang; Lawyer, Mrs. Judy Hou; Notary, Mrs. Marie-Eve Bergeron and the Senior marketing director of Desjardins, Mr. Benoit Deschamps.

President Mrs. Jocelyn Kao hosted the panel and presented the guests to the audience. Mr. Andrew Fang opened the speech; he pointed out that the priority to start a business is to hire the right professionals. “They will help you to plan everything, and do not make the mistake of asking for their help after trouble happens, because that is going to be difficult to fix after the fact.”

The most typical example was about tax. First of all, the accounting has to be clear. Secondly, it has to be traceable. Third, it has to be ready anytime for official inspection.

Mr. Deschamps believed that the priority of entrepreneurs is to know who is your target audience. Secondly, to let people know about yourself.

The Senior Marketing Director of Desjardins, Mr. Benoit Deschamps

Gélinas the accountant said: we have plenty of experiences in helping those Chinese entrepreneurs, who are new to the country; we can make a plan for them according to their wishes, helping them to get financial support from the government. We are able to help our clients to deal with the tax problem, especially for those Chinese entrepreneurs who also own business in China, to deal with the tax problem across two countries.

Lawyer Judy Hou said: “I only protect my clients’ interests.  At this point, we are different from the notary.“ Lawyer Mrs. Hou also said: “ I was a lawyer when I was in China, I came here from China 20 years ago, got my attorney’s license 10 years ago. Now, I am one of the largest law firm in the world who’s responsible for Chinese investment business. Today, all the professional people in different fields are needed by the enterprise are here, including lawyer, notary, and banker.  According to my experiences, a lot of Chinese investors seek a lawyer after they got a problem. In fact, we hope we are able to help you to prevent meeting problem at the very beginning when you start planning the project.

Lawyer Mrs. Hou also said that there is a significant number of Chinese investor that ignore Canada has the Federal Law but also a Provincial Law because in China there is only one law. What is more, if you want to invest in a company that already exists, you will have to know their background. Also, It is complicated to write a contract. House leasing would be a good example due to it has different length for the lease, and I am able to help you with it. If you need to find a partner, I am able to help you to make an equity contract.

Lastly, Mrs. Hou especially emphasized that she had an advantage in China-Canada multiple cultures.

During the stage of questioning, the professionals answered all the questions from the audience about how to register an enterprise, how to file tax if an entrepreneur owns businesses in China and Canada, which side of the party should hire a notary etc.

In conclusion, the guest speakers were unanimous to agree on hiring a professional for clients’ good.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

The happiness of a dream come true.

The afternoon of September 29th was the exhibition, conference and business contact activity. While the exposition marched to its ending, the president Mrs. Jocelyn Kao accepted an interview. She said: “At the opening ceremony yesterday, I was extremely excited when I saw there were so many guests came to support me, I felt close to tears. I appreciated and was excited in every moment since the opening ceremony. This exposition was in preparation for a long time; we made a lot of efforts and took a lot of pressure. Finally, we had successfully built a business platform. I want to thanks all the supporters, exhibitors, the mayor, and immigration minister. Thanks to CCSME that we share a common ideal. We built this platform together; it is impossible to succeed without everyone’s support. Of course, this is the very first time.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Even though we tried our best, we still need to improve in some areas. I believe it will be better and better as long as we have the heart to do it.”

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

The staff of Diamond Diamond Real Estate Inc

Mrs. Kao also said, ‘Like many other Chinese, I came all this way to a different country with a whole different culture. To live a life, have a job and adapt to society are challenging for a foreigner, but I came through and realized how amazing and resilient Montreal is for the immigrants. Thus, I’m proud of being a Chinese and always looks for an opportunity to present Montreal to China, to Asia and the rest of the world. I’m thrilled that my dream comes true. MIBIEXPO is established to build a connection between Montreal and the world.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Around 16:00 came the lucky draw.  The prizes include 7 days trip to Caribbean for two people, 9.7” iPad with 32GB. Mrs. Jocelyn Kao and Mr. Kelvin Mo announced the closing ceremony. All the staff, guests and exhibitors celebrated this extraordinary moment with champagne.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Winner of the First prize

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Winner of the Second prize

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Winner of the Third prize

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Winner of the Forth prize

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities

Winner of the Fifth prize

At this point, the first MIBIEXPO has drawn a conclusion fully and successfully.

China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities China-Montreal Investment and business opportunities